Thursday, April 28, 2011

Some thoughts..

Fashion and narcissism can be connected in advertising. Contemporary fashion imagery often demonstrates a presence of self-absortion and mirrors a certain narcissistic awareness. It also emphasizes the importance of the generally fabricated appearance, which  aims to reach the desired outcome of collective consumerism.

Narcissism and consumerim are related in connection to desire, in the context of what a person is, once was or what they would like to be. Modern consumers can be under the allure or the influence of glamourized imagery and this way may create a desire to be what they see in the fashion images. In this context the consumer might vision an idealized image of what they would like to be and remain mislead by narcissistic manipulation.

The perfect image of the self which fashion promotes requires narcissistic attention and in this way promotes narcissism itself. This distorted attention to one’s body or appearance can be observed to encourage illusions of megalomania, in which one sees the self as being superior to others and capable of such attitudes as arrogance, egocentricity and vanity...

To be continued..

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