Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Museum for contemporary fashion in Finland

I am going home to Finland next week for visit and I was thinking how lovely it would be to catch up on contemporary Finnish fashion. The trouble is, that no one or no museum (that I know of at least) is documenting contemporary Finnish fashion and its developments at the moment. This is such a shame, because I think Finnish fashion would deserve a museum for its honor. This would be a great progression for the museum industry in Finland, which often might seem to be a bit old fashioned about fashion
I understand that many people might think that fashion as an academic subject is invalid or not worthy of such importance, but I think this is more of an old conception that only suggests outdated opinions. Also, it widely underates the influence that fashion has, firstly on an individual level and secondly on a wider, global scale. Fashion academia is a part of social studies and history. Fashion as a phenomenon reflects quite instantly such events as recession and sexual equality. 
I think it would be appropriate for Finland to open its first museum for contemporary fashion and document the numerous phases and valuable advancements of it. I also sincerely hope that I would have a chance to contribute my views as a fashion curator for it.

PS. If you know such a museum already exists in Finland, just let me know, I might have missed the news since living abroad for a while now! 
Email me on

And I will be checking out the Marimekko exhibition in Design Museum. MARIMEKKO - A WHOLE LIFE 60 Years of Colours, Stripes and Shapes (18 March - 29 May 2011) 

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