Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Amber - Arnhem Mode Biennale

"Women are like fashion, ever changing and contradictory. Fashion is like women who have fought, long and hard against fashion, to be taken seriously, on their own merit. But what if we take this attempt at slander and turn it on its head? What if, instead of defending ourselves against this charge, we take it on, like a bull by its horns? What if we start off by simply saying 'fashion is a woman and her name is Amber'?"
- a quote from Introducing Amber by Aronowsky Cronberg

Here are some of my favorite photos I took from the Arnhem Mode Biennale 2011.

Arnhem Mode Biannale 1.6-3.7.2011

Saturday, June 4, 2011

UNRAVEL. Knitwear in Fashion

Today I visited the latest exhibition at MoMu, Antwerp and it was all about knitwear. The exhibition presented knitwear in a varied and a vibrant way, showcasing items from knitted stockings to sculptural high fashion garments. As the exhibition brochure says, Thermatically, it will showcase the various roles knitwear has played in social and fashion (r)evolutions and will address knitwear's different and fluid associations with comfort, well-being and chic. 

UNRAVEL. Knitwear in Fashion is open until 14th of August 2011.

Here are some of my favorites from the exhibition:

Im happy to be spending the next few months at Momu here in Antwerp!

For more info visit

Thursday, June 2, 2011

['werk, sh äp]

Yesterday I was at the opening of a new temporary curated store called ['werk, sh äp]. The name of the store means workshop also in a literal sense and this is reflected in the concept of the making and creating. The shop can be seen as a platform for uniting people together in the making process and this way the visitor can experience the crafts and the details of the designs more profoundly. The curated store presents works of the Master Fashion Design and the Master Fashion Strategy students of ArtEZ Institute for the Arts. 

Designs by Sabela Tobar

Designs by Glagys Tumewa

The three outfits in front (from the left) are by Yohji van der Aa, Matthias Louwen 
and Sabela Tobar

Guests enjoying the opening

Thank you guys!

For more information: